Our Collaborative

Having a combined healthcare experience of more than 50 years, the Honor Team is committed to providing operational, legal and regulatory support and guidance to a variety of multistate/multisite healthcare specialties. We pride ourselves on taking a holistic approach to help drive our clients’ business objectives and becoming a part of their leadership team.

Lisa Melamed

Managing Member

Erika Jackson

Director, Senior Paralegal & Compliance Officer

Sharon Fishbein Brown

Director, Business & Legal Development

Jennifer Silber

Project Coordinator

Efficiency is achieved though maximizing productivity, minimizing costs, and delivering timely and effective services to our clients. This allows our team to effectively handle an organization’s needs while increasing profitability in a compliant way.

Trust is fundamental as it forms the basis of a positive client relationship, encouraging open communication, and ensuring clients feel confident with the guidance and services they receive.

Ensuring honor in our work is what our business is named after and is what we strive to do on a daily basis. Working with honor leads to strong reputations, positive workplace culture, and overall growth and profitability. 

Completing every task with integrity to ensure the best outcomes for our clients and their patients is fundamental to our culture at Honor. Acting with integrity and ethical behavior serves as a foundation for long term success and client satisfaction.  

Our pledge of commitment is essential for maintaining client confidence, ensuring cases are diligently handled, and deadlines are consistently met. At Honor, we cultivate a strong reputation of reliability and professionalism by staying committed to our clients.

At honor, we work to help our clients successfully scale up to benefit from increased profitability and desirable performance. Our ability to recognize business needs and push clients forward while ensuring compliance allows our clients to thrive and push past legal barriers with success. 

Who We Serve

Let’s Get Started